Chairman and Commissioners Rosemead Planning Commission re: Annual Review of Supercenter Project Conditions of Approval Gentlemen: Please Consider the following resolution: Whereas GPI in their Geotechnical (soils) report gave an estimate of ground motion for the Supercenter which did not include the Puente Hills Thrust fault, the Upper Elysian Park Thrust fault, the San Andreas Fault and failed to recognize that the record showed the Alhambra Wash fault through the project is in fact an extension or branch of the Whittier-Elisnore fault. Whereas: the Whittier Ellsinore fault is a “Class “A” fault according to the CGS 2003 and subsequent fault catalogues. And Whereas the Alquist Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act and the Seismic Hazards Mapping Act require consideration of both on site and off site hazards. And Whereas the large fault scarf to the south of the Supercenter project was never investigated And Whereas: GPI in their Geotechnical (soils report) indicated that final ground motion for the Supercenter Project should be determined by the Structural Engineer. And\ Whereas: Ground motions are required for compliance with the Seismic Hazards Mapping Act And Whereas: Ground motions are required for compliance with the California Building Code Whereas: the ground motion for the Site was determined by a Seismologist for the Supercenter Outpad project (Panda CBC 98, Wells Fargo CBC 2007) And Whereas: the ground motion for the Outpad projects is considerably increased from that determined by GPI and subsequent changes found in the record The Rosemead Planning Commission finds that the Supercenter in its entirety must be reviewed by the lead agency to determine compliance with the Seismic Hazards Mapping Act.. The Rosemead Planning Commission finds that the Supercenter in its entirety must be re-plan checked to determine compliance with the California Building Code.